Military Tower
In the eleventh century arabs strengthened the city fortifications, building a tower, which subsequently constituted the nucleus around which was built Corvaja Palace. This tower has the form of a cube, which to the arabs remembered their sacred Al Ka bah, first temple erected in the Mecca to God from Abraham. It includes two superimposed square rooms, on the ground and first floor.

Arab Necropolis
It is situated close to the northern gate,by the road which from Capo Taormina climbs as far as the city center. Probably it was realized between the ninth and eleventh century. It is defined "at columbarium" (symmetrical cells one on top of the other).

The Castle
It is situated on the top of Mount Tauro. Here there was the ancient greek acropolis. It is called Saracen Castle too, because it was rebuilt in the thirteenth century by the arabs. It has a trapezoidal form and is endowed with a tower, which was a control tower. Today we can still notice the cisterns used to harvest rain-water and the underground corridor to deposit weapons and provisions. It is dominated by Castelmeola, a little village in the top of the mount.